Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols

Candlelight Service

December 17, 2024

7 p.m.

Edith Memorial Chapel

Join us for a night of readings, musical performances, and community singing. The service features readings, musical performances from the Lawrentians and the Lawrenceville Singers. The service closes with a moving benediction, wishing fellowship, peace, and love to all.
Lessons and Carols

Order of Service

Organ Prelude
Carillon de Westminster, Op. 54, No.6
Louis Vierne
Marquis Scott, Ed.D., Acting Co-Head of School
O Come, All Ye Faithful / Adeste Fideles
Bidding Prayer
The Reverend Violet L. D. Lee, Ph.D., Chaplain
Traditional English Carol
The First Lesson
Genesis 3:1-15, Adam and Eve Rebel Against God and are Cast Out of the Garden of Eden
Read by Madison Slyvan '26, Lola-Christiana Afari Martinson '26, Justin Hogue '25, and Ray Taft '25
Sir Christèmas
William Mathias
The Second Lesson
Isaiah 40:1-11, God Comforts God's People and Calls on them to Prepare for Redemption
Read by Ella Quick '28, Andrew Zhang '26, Fatima Ramirez-Elizondo '28, and Jayden "JC" Clemons '28
Peace Carol
John Devorick
The Third Lesson
Micah 5:2-4, The One Who is to Rule Israel will be Born in the Village of Bethlehem
Read by Sofie Garmines '26 and Isaac Moon '26
Long Ago
Gustav Holst, arr. Jacob Narverud
Performed by Ryan Ding '25, Baritone
The Fourth Lesson
Isaiah 7:10-15, God Promises that a Child shall be Conceived who will be Known as "God with Us"
Read by Sienna Soemitro '26
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
Traditional Caribbean Carol
The Fifth Lesson
Luke 1:26-38, The Angel Gabriel Announces to the Virgin Mary that she will Bear the Son of the Most High
Read by Eli Lacey '25 and Lilah Firestone '25
Sure on this Shining Night
Morten Lauridsen
Invitation to the Carol
Silent Night / Stille Nacht
Closing Remarks
Emilie D. Kosoff H'88 '94 '96 '00 '18 '20 P'19, Acting Co-Head of School and Dean of Faculty
The Reverend Violet L. D. Lee, Ph.D., Chaplain
Organ Postlude
Chorale Fantasy on "From Heaven Above to Earth I Come"
Johann Pachelbel
Lessons and Carols


Members of the Lawrentians

Anvi Anand ’27
Anna Androulakis ’26
Willem Anton ’26
Miu Baholyodhin ’26
Blair Bartlett ’27
Jasper Bligh ’26
Bastian Bocklage ’26
Henry Cohen ’27
Ryan Ding ’25
Tyler Dzbenski ’25
Eloise Eastland ’26
Brenner Emo ’27
Celine Fong ’25
Mihajlo Gajic ’26
Nicole Halucka ’26
Justin Hogue ’25
Ethan Hua ’27
Mahika Kasarabada ’26
Sonia Lackey ’25
John Lee ’27
Aiden Li ’26
Braedon Owen ’26
Clare Pei ’26
Anika Ponnambalam ’25
Charles Potter ’25
Simi Rath ’26
Kimberley Sun ’27
Celestine Sutter ’27
Story Taylor ’27
Talia Thomas ’27
Sam Vachris ’27
Sydney Wang ’25
Claire Wu ’25
Martina Yanovich ’26
Gavin Yoon ’25
Gloria Yu ’26

Members of the Lawrenceville Singers

Sophia Abi-Atme ’27
Olivia Allison ’27
Mason Barnes ’28
Grace Bellamy ’27
George Cavanna ’27
Arden Chang ’27
Ananya Chopra ’27
Esha Desai ’28
Irene Fu ’27
Jael Gaines ’26
Brian Jacobs H’22
Melina Kyriakopoulos ’27
William Lam ’27
Anissa LeBlanc ’28
Ethan Lee ’27
Ruben Lee ’28
Emily Ma ’28
Grayson Mabry-Hubis ’27
Mara McKithen ’28
Isaac Moon ’27
Jacob Moon ’28
Sheridan Owen ’28
Aura Paulino ’28
Alexander Salgado-Lozhkin ’26
Sathvik Samant ’26
Lyla Shaver ’27
Jianrui Shaw ’27
Wally Strouse ’28
Matthew Trucano ’27
Joshua Wang ’27
Kate Wei ’28
Bella Wu ’28
Hanxin Yang ’28