Poetry Recommendations

  • Student Life
Poetry Recommendations

This past Sunday, The Bunn Library hosted a poetry reading where students, faculty and staff read some of their favorite poems and shared some of their favorite poets. In addition to the wonderful original poems shared by Chris Cunningham and Ian August, the works of following poets were shared. We encourage anyone who loves poetry to read the works of these incredible artists, whether it be checking out a book from The Bunn Library or looking up their work online. Poets with an asterisk next to their name have books available to checkout from the library’s collections, online or on Sora, which can be logged into with your Lawrenceville credentials. 

Gwendolyn Brooks*
Mary Oliver*
Anne Sexton*
Robert Hayden*
Ocean Vuong*
Wallace Stevens*
Elizabeth Barrett Browning*
Neil Gaiman*
Ada Limón*
Aimé Césaire*
Maya Angelou*
Tadeusz Dąbrowski
Marie Howe
Dan Vera
Bianca Stone
C.A. Conrad

For additional information, please contact Lisa M. Gillard Hanson, director of Public Relations, at lgillard@lawrenceville.org.