Teen Health and Wellness

  • Student Life
Teen Health and Wellness

As a member of the Lawrenceville community, we never want any of our students to feel that they have nowhere to turn. The counseling and medical staff, your advisors, your Head of houses, teachers, coaches, all care about you. Take care of yourself and get rest, exercise, and talk to someone if you are feeling down or overwhelmed.
There are resources to support you and The Bunn Library subscribes to the Teen Health & Wellness database, available on campus and off campus by using your Lawrenceville login. 

The award-winning database provides teens with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, straightforward and self-help support, with tools for topics including mental health, drugs and alcohol, body image, relationships, nutrition and fitness, managing mood and emotions, coping with grief and loss, and so much more. The database offers a Hotlines section offering access to local community resources to connect students with qualified professionals, as well as accessibility features like read-alouds and closed-captions in multiple languages.

Students can also download the free Teen Hotlines app for Apple, Android and Chromebook, where they can find hotlines, help lines, and web sites organized by subject.
Al Rashid Health and Wellness Center

For additional information, please contact Lisa M. Gillard Hanson, director of Public Relations, at lgillard@lawrenceville.org.