Religious Life at Lawrenceville is visible and vibrant, designed so that students can deepen their own faith and develop understanding and respect for the beliefs, traditions, and practices of others. Each term, all students are required to attend two activities relating to religious life - welcoming, educational, inclusive activities we call Explorations. During their time at Lawrenceville, all students must also engage with religion through Harkness learning by taking at least two courses in the Religion and Philosophy Department, including Introduction to Religious Studies in a Global Context.
Promoting Inclusion and Understanding
All students have equal access to a wide array of offerings which reflect the multi-faith world in which we live, as well as opportunities to move off the grid, to slow down, to be still, and to reflect. We support our students individually, within affinity groups, and - perhaps most importantly - through institution-wide consideration of issues of faith and belonging.
Religious Life Council
The Religious Life Council (RLC) is a student-run organization that aims to nurture spiritual and religious life at Lawrenceville by providing visibility for its strength and diversity, and to cultivate understanding and respect among religious traditions. The RLC accomplishes this through regular meetings and lively exchanges, the “What Matters To Me and Why” program, field trips, and co-sponsorships with other clubs and councils. The RLC works closely with the Diversity Council and the Gender Sexuality Alliance to develop student programming. The RLC is convened by the School chaplain and has student representatives from all the religious traditions and members-at-large. All students are welcome.
Interfaith Initiative
Lawrenceville's Interfaith Initiative, supported by the Mayrock Family Fund, is a School organization that serves as a consortium/meeting place for all Lawrenceville religious groups, clubs, leaders, clergy, and interested students, faculty, and staff. Participants meet regularly to share in a multi-faceted approach toward meaningful and deep conversations about each other’s religious beliefs and traditions.
Each year the group convenes at the start of the academic year to choose a theme to focus on for their annual discussions and programming.